Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Firework Safety - How to Have a Safe Independence Day

We were able to pull this information from the Consumer Product Safety Commission about how to stay safe when working with fireworks.  Here's their 9 tips.

1. Use fireworks outdoors only.
2. Obey local laws.  If fireworks are not legal where you live, do not use them!
3. Always have water handy (a hose or bucket of water).
4. Only use fireworks as intended. DO NOT try to alter them or combine them.
5. Never re-light a "dud" firework (wait 20 minutes and then soak it in a bucket of water).
6. Use common sense when using fireworks. Spectators should keep a safe distance from the fireworks. The person lighting the fireworks should wear safety glasses.
7. Alcohol and fireworks do not mix! Have a "designated" person light fireworks.
8. Only persons over the age of 12 should be allowed to handle sparklers of any type.
9. DO NOT use homemade fireworks or illegal explosives; they can kill you! Report illegal explosives to the fire or police department in your community.

Here's an interesting infographic on injuries related to fireworks.  Click the image to view the complete report.

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